Мedzhlis thinks, as not to swear on local elections
On July, 23rd the next session of presidium of Medzhlis in which course has taken place questions of preparation for carrying out of Kurultaj, to elections in Supreme Rada ARC, the actions devoted to the All-European day of memory of victims of stalinizm and nazism have been considered…
Structures on preparation and carrying out of the third session of Kurultaj of the fifth convocation and the Central Staff of Medzhlis on the organisation of elections of deputies of the Supreme Rada of Crimea, local councils and rural mayors have been confirmed.
The decision on carrying out of the actions devoted to the All-European day of memory of victims of stalinizm and nazism for the sake of preservation of memory of victims of mass deportations and executions was accepted also. All work on preparation and carrying out of actions to charge to group as a part of Zair Smedljaev, Shevket Kajbullaev and Ali Hamzin.
Into structure of organizing command on preparation and carrying out of the third session of Kurultaj V convocation have entered:
DZHEMILEV Mustafa — the chairman of Medzhlis, the head of organizing committee,
CHUBAROV Refat — the first deputy of the chairman of Medzhlis, a deputy head of organizing committee,
ILJASOV Remzi — the vice-president of Medzhlis, a deputy head orgcommittee,
CHIJGOZ Ahtem — the vice-president of Medzhlis, a deputy head of orgcommittee,
SMEDLYAEV Zair — a member of Medzhlis, the secretary of orgcommittee,
ADILSEITOV Refat — a member of Medzhlis, a member of orgcommittee,
ASANOV Kurtegen — the chairman of the Revision committee of Kurultaj, a member of organizational service,
KADZHAMETOVA Safure — a member of Medzhlis, a member of orgcommittee,
KADYROV Sinaver — a member of Medzhlis, a member of orgcommittee,
KAJBULLAEV Shevket — a member of Medzhlis, a member of orgcommittee,
KUBEDINOV Fevzi — a member of Medzhlis, a member of organizational service,
KURTUMEROV Zevdzhet — a member of Medzhlis, a member of orgcommittee,
MAMUTOV Bekir — a member of Medzhlis, a member of orgcommittee,
MEMETOV Shevket — delegate of Kurultaj, a member of orgcommittee,
MUSLIMOVA Lilja — delegate of Kurultaj, a member оf orgcommittee,
SHEVKIEV Riza — delegate of Kurultaj, a member оf orgcommittee,
CHUBAROV Elvedin — delegate of Kurultaja, a member оf orgcommitee,
KISHVEEV Sejtisljam — a member of orgcommittee,
KURTIEV Refat — a member оргслужбы.
Оrgcommittee should prepare till July, 27th offers under the project of the summons of the third session of Kurultaj V convocation and take out them for decision-making Medzhlis.
During session the Central staff of Medzhlis on preparation and elections of deputies of the Supreme Rada of Autonomous republic Crimea has been organised, the structure of the Central staff at elections in structure is confirmed:
CHUBAROV Refat the first deputy of the chairman of Medzhlis, the head of the Central staff at elections,
SMEDLYAEV Zair — the head of secretary of Medzhlis, a deputy head of the Central staff at elections,
ILJASOV Remzi — the vice-president of Medzhlis, a member of the Central staff at elections,
PILUNSKY Leonid — the chairman of the Crimean regional organisation of National Ruh of Ukraine, a member of the Central staff at elections,
KAJBULLAEV Shevket — chief of the department of Medzhlis on communications with public organisations and mass-media, a member of the Central staff at elections,
KURTUMEROV Zevdzhet — the head of the ground commission of Medzhlis, a member of the Central staff at elections,
CHIJGOZ Ahtem — the vice-president of Medzhlis, a member of the Central staff at elections.
The central staff at elections will start to work from August, 26th of current year.
The presidium of Medzhlis has discussed a question of preparation of the International forum concerning restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people on the Native land, maintenance of its safety and development guarantees in Ukraine.
In the accepted decision it is marked:
— The urgency of carrying out under the aegis of the European and international organisations of a special International forum concerning restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people on the Native land, maintenance of its safety and development guarantees in Ukraine is caused:
— Necessity of elimination of destructive consequences of total deportation of the Crimean Tatar people made by a communistic mode of the USSR on May, 18th, 1944 and decades of its violent deduction in places of dispatch,
— Ignoring by the Ukrainian state of necessity of acceptance of the laws directed on restoration of the political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Crimean Tatar people that is fraught with the irreversible processes, able to lead to loss by a human civilisation of one of the original and ancient European people,
— Desire to promote formation of democratic and independent Ukraine in which the rights of the Crimean Tatar people, certainly, should be restored and be observed how it is fixed by the international certificates about the rights of the people and human rights.
Thereupon preliminary consultations about convocation of the International forum with representatives of the various international organisations, the diplomatic missions accredited in Ukraine, and also with deputies of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and deputies of the European parliament have been carried out by Medzhlis.
For the purpose of working out of the concept, an order of carrying out and the summons of work of the International forum, and also coordination of Crimean Tatar public organisations — members of the World congress of the Crimean Tatars in the questions connected with preparation and carrying out of the International forum, it is solved:
— To create Working group on preparation and carrying out of the International forum concerning restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people on the Native land, maintenance of its safety and development guarantees in Ukraine on preparation and carrying out of the International forum).
— To confirm personal structure of Working group on preparation and carrying out of the International forum.
— To recommend to Coordination council of the World congress of the Crimean Tatars to direct to structure of Working group on one representative from the Crimean Tatar diaspora living in member states of the Council of Europe, OSCE, the European Union.
The working group till September, 1st, 2010 should present in Medzhlis the concept, an order of carrying out and the summons of the International forum.
The general coordination of activity to Working group on preparation and carrying out of the International forum was headed by Mustafa Dzhemilev.
On materials: Press-services Medzhlis