After elections in the winter of 2010 in Kiev can appear at once four presidents of Ukraine. It was declared by the Ukrainian political scientist Michael Pogrebinsky at press conference, describing, in his opinion, the worst variant of development of a political situation in Ukraine.
The expert has explained that presidential election can lead to the uttermost chaos in the country.
It will occur in the event that, for example, on presidential elections Victor Yanukovych, however Yulia Timoshenko will win does not recognise this victory and will declare that, actually, the majority of votes have been given for her. Simultaneously with it Victor Yushchenko can declare elections not taken place and to try to prolong the powers. In turn, Vladimir Litvin will recollect that, in case of absence of the legitimate president, his duty the speaker of the Supreme Rada should carry out.
«It will be absolutely terrible situation, accident», — has underlined Pogrebinsky.
As he said, if the described scenario is realised, «will gather Barrack Obama, Angela Merkel, Sarkozy, Vladimir Vladimirovich and Dmitry Anatolievich to decide what to do with our country».
«Has forgotten about Berlusconi, but he is on the sick-list», — has smiled Pogrebinsky.
On materials: news agency «New Region — Kiev»