In Ukraine Intend to Celebrate at the State Level Anniversary of Amet-khan Sultan

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In Ukraine Intend to Celebrate at the State Level Anniversary of Amet-khan Sultan

In the Supreme Rada of Ukraine the decision project about celebrating of memorials and anniversaries in 2010 is registered. The document is published on an official web site of parliament of the country. According to the document, among other on October, 25th at the state level it is offered to note 90 years from the date of a birth of the pilot Amet-khan Sultan.

The INQUIRY. Amet-khan Sultan (1920-1971) — twice the Hero of Soviet Union, the lieutenant colonel, the deserved test pilot of the USSR, the winner of the State award, the participant of the Great Patriotic War, the fighter pilot. In due time has made 603 fighting starts, has brought down personally 30 and as a part of group — 19 planes of the enemy.

After war Amet-khan Sultan has gone to work the test pilot. Tested the first jet planes MiG-15, MiG-17 and MiG-19, only 100 types of planes and their updatings. Was lost in test flight.


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