It Should Not Be Forget that the Crimean Tatar People Have Given Seven Heroes of the USSR, — Kazarin

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It Should Not Be Forget that the Crimean Tatar People Have Given Seven Heroes of the USSR, — Kazarin

The first deputy of the Constant Representative of the President of Ukraine in Crimea Vladimir Kazarin declares that inhabitants of Crimea should learn correctly concern history and to remember that the Crimean Tatar people have given to the country 7 Heroes of Soviet Union. He has declared it in a course session of a round table «Experience of the interfaith consent in Crimea» which has taken place on June, 9th in Simferopol.

«The round table» has been organised by the Crimean branch of Institute of oriental studies of A.E.Krymskogo National academy of sciences of Ukraine in common with allukrainian Association of public organisations «Аlraid».

In particular, Vladimir Kazarin has noticed that today «we quickly forget history lessons. We speak often:« Crimea — a cradle of Orthodoxy of east Slavs ». Forgetting that the peninsula became a cradle for two religions. Through Crimea Islam extended to the Volga region, the North Caucasus. It is necessary to remember it.

The Great Patriotic War showed examples of national heroism, but also has allowed an occasion to reflect on a collaboration problem. More often as a characteristic example result the Crimean Tatars. However this problem has not to a lesser degree concerned both Ukrainians, and Russian, and representatives of other nationalities.

On the other hand, we for some reason forget that the Crimean Tatar people have given to the country seven Heroes of Soviet Union. And unique Crimean person — twice the Hero of Soviet Union — the Crimean Tatar too. He is Ametkhan Sultan. Too it is necessary to remember it », — has noted the first Kazarin, having stated thus confidence that Crimeans all the same will learn« correctly to concern history »and, at last, will understand,« that people of all nationalities, creeds and cultures are equal ».

Let’s notice also that to action have been invited and Tatyana Umrihina, the chairman of the constant commission of the Supreme body of Crimea on science and education Galina Grizhbovskaja, the Minister of Education and Science of an autonomy Valery Lavrov etc. participated in work of «a round table» the vice-president of Ministerial council AR Crimea

On materials: news agency QHA


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