Who provokes split among the Crimean Tatars?

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Who provokes split among the Crimean Tatars?

The first serious collision between Moslems-radicals and their opponents-coreligionists has happened in Crimea.A split matures among the Crimean Tatars .

On the steps conducting downwards from surgical branch of the Kirov regional hospital, the woman is in hidjab with golden outflow trips. Edie has dressed up in a festively way when went from Feodosiya to village Zhuravki on iftar — one of evening meals which are led in sacred for Moslems month by Ramadan. On September, 10th, shortly after Edie and one and a half hundreds of her coreligionists from all Crimea have gathered in a rural mosque, on iftar, the local appeared.

Jihad on anticipation

— By then everybody already were in a mosque. There were only Adzhi Ismet -he has invited all of us — and some people who left to smoke. One has had time to run and shout: «Killing!» — recollects Edie.

Among those who left on a smoke break, there was his son-in-law. Now he has a brain concussion, teeth are beaten out. Eight persons in total have suffered. Attacking, they speak, there was 15 — 20 people — local Tatars and Russian, with sticks and armature scraps. Most likely, a slaughter-house have arranged to punish Adzhi Ismeta — the local resident who has organised iftar without the permission of the local imam (ecclesiastic) in a mosque. Having heard shouts, the people have jumped out in a yard, but attacking quickly have jumped in cars and have left.

— Men wished to pursue them, but we have asked not to do it. To arrange fights in Ramadan — the big sin, — tells Edie.

— You and those who were in a mosque with you, from Hizb ut-Tahrir? — The correspondent of Focus has dared to ask.

— There both hizbas and salaves (they Wahhabites — supporters of radical movement for Islam clarification. — focus), and a lot of others.

Difference is basic: today the Crimean Tatars accurately divide themselves into those who professes traditional Islam, and radicals from Hizb ut-Tahrir — the Islamites supporting forming of the uniform Muslim state. Relations between them all are more intense. The Crimean Tatar managing surgical branch where hackneyed Islamites have got, in conversation with Focus has preferred name them not victims, and «broken away from a society». Having heard it, bearded young men in the sports suits, arrived to visit the companions, have attacked on the doctor with shouts, having forgotten about obligatory respect for the Moslem to seniors in a moment.

— Occurrence of Hizb ut-Tahrira in Crimea is connected with ideological split in Crimean Tatar environment between the youth keen on religion, and the senior generation to which ideas of nationalism are closer. Hizb- ut-Tahrir in a sense opposes itself to Medzhlis. The youth aspires to resist to force of authority of veterans of national movement «, — the president of the Center of Near-Eastern researches Alexander Bogomolov speaks.

Events in Zhuravki can transform this struggle into a dragged-out war. «These people, pseudo-Tatars (snatched on participants of iftar.-), it is necessary to give Focus to the people on worry. There is no value, under whose order they operated. For a sin they should answer with own blood», — somebodi named Redvan has written on a site of the Crimean Islamic newspaper «Renaissance».

To rebellious the unmerciful

Eldar works in one of the Bakhchsarai coffee houses . He has a long beard, shaves moustaches and as it is necessary to the Moslem, five times a day makes a Mohammedan prayer (prayer). He does not wish to speak about activity of Hizb ut-Tahrir , but about Islam and halifat — as much as necessary.

— Mass media form public opinion not in favour of Moslems and not in favour of Islam. Because for today Islam has won ideological war against capitalism. Islam as system of board which solved problems of mankind throughout fifteen centuries, leaves today on power arena, — he solemnly declares.

Any governors are mistaken, explains Eldar, therefore at the head it is necessary to put Islam and to live under its laws. Such state also is halifat. The tax — only 10 %; alcohol out of the law, homosexuality — too. On a question of the correspondent of Focus on in what territory it is planned to build halifat, Eldar answers: «On that which we will win». The remark that the Allah hardly will approve such scenario as it mercy and merciful, Eldara obviously irritates.

— The Allah is merciful only to the obedient! — he burst out.

The pair of Russian tourists behind the next little table hasty pays off for coffee.

Many parishioners of Alushta mosque, as well as local imam Elvin Kadyrov, also adherents of Hizb ut-Tahrir. At an input in a mosque the pile of newspapers «Renaissance» lies. While the imam prepares for a Mohammedan prayer, correspondents of Focus communicate with Enver. Islam, in his opinion, is necessary for rescue of the society which have wallowed in debauchery.

— On the TV constantly show, how the man and the woman lie naked in bed though they are not the husband and the wife, — complains to Enver.

— And on quay all go half-naked, and directly on benches are engaged + in a lawlessness, — the sitting next Tatar-teenager is indignant.

The Caliph is for ever

Imam Elvin Kadyrov says that nobody wants to build the Islamic state in Ukraine — at first it is necessary to organise support of this idea in a society. To wait, while millions Ukrainians will address to the Koran, it is necessary long so while Hizb ut-Tahrir is necessary that Moslems in Crimea did not lag behind a universal Muslim life. As to a gain of territories for halifat one of adherents of radical Islam Muslim Aliev has assured journalists of Focus that it is possible only in the event that halifat is attacked.

Initially hlifat should be formed by bloodless change of the power there where there live mainly Moslems. However, Alexander Bogomolov from the Center of Near-Eastern researches notices that in the history of Hizb ut-Tahrir there were episodes when revolutions in the countries of the Arabian world, in particular in Jordan and in Iraq were planned. In 1960 leaders of the organisation considered what to approach revival of the uniform Islamic state it is possible by means of revolution in the several key Muslim countries. For this Hizb ut-Tahrir aspired to get into Wednesday of military men, agitated officers, but special services stopped all these attempts at a plan stage.

-It is fondly now to consider the thesis about construction of halifat as political system blasting, — Mr. Bogomolov considers. — The Real risk connected with organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir, — creates soil for more extremist organisations. In other Muslim and European countries, it was already more than once.

However it is, much more, than the future gains and revolutions, Crimeans excite today’s actions of hizbs. In August in the Simferopol microdistrict the Ak-mosque supporters of Hizb ut-Tahrir have demanded, that the children’s choreographic class has moved down from a premise of the former mosque (for a mosque have constructed a separate two-storeyed building). The hizbs have explained their requirement with words of the envoy of the Allah: «There is no worse the one who takes away back the gift. It is similar to a dog who belches in the saucer, and then licks». But the chairman of a local Muslim community of «Rahmet» Server Ametov did not begin to move a dancing class. «He simply has no place to move», — he explains. Soon the local have achieved change of the local imam close to hizbas, and a mufti of Crimea Adzhi Emirali Ablaev has declared that «entered into any party, whether it is Hizb ut-Tahrir, Wahhabites, salafits, habashits, will not be neither chairmen, nor imams, members of communities in our mosques».

Server Ametov speaks about activity of Hizb-ut-Tahrir without emotions: the program at them radical, but they peaceful people.

— In other countries Hizb ut-Tahrir is forbidden, there is nothing to forbit — no terror yet existed. There are young people there. Know only Islam elements. Someone from above operates them. There are no threats felt from them , but we are afraid, — the aksakal speaks.

And already saying goodbye to correspondents of Focus as if justifying, adds: «Write that I have meaningly allowed to dance to children! I consider that they should not muffle from top to toe in hidjab and refuse all wordly!»

Evgenie Safonov, Focus


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