Mufti Ridvan Veliev Has Rejected Charges of a Mufti-Crusader

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Mufti Ridvan Veliev Has Rejected Charges of a Mufti-Crusader

In the Spiritual center of Moslems of Crimea (SMMC) deny charges in habashizm and the sectarianism, put forward to this organization Spiritual steering of Moslems of Crimea (SMMC) led by Emirali Ablaev named the Crimean Moslems by a mufti-crusader after his rewarding by president Yushchenko by the Ukrainian award in the form of a cross.

As head of SMMC a mufti of Crimea has told Hadzhi Ridvan Veliev, the given religious association and 35 Muslim religious communities entering into its structure from various regions of an autonomy were in the order established by the law are registered the State committee on affairs of nationalities and religions of Ukraine and Republican committee of Crimea on affairs of religions.

As he said, now SMMC and communities entering into him «are engaged in educational activity and explanatory work among Moslems on purpose to help believing to distinguish Islam from errors of the extremists perverting its essence».

«You say, what us name habashizm and sectarians? Habashits — in Ethiopia, and our religious beliefs there correspond to the Koran, Sunna of prophet Muhammad, peace to Him, and a heritage of authentic scientists of the past. We offend nobody and at any time are ready to cooperation with all who wants good and society strengthening, including with Spiritual steering of Moslems of Crimea. Our Spiritual center supports commonwealth of Muslim religious communities in Crimea for the good of the people and calls all Crimean Moslems for solidarity! With all responsibility I declare that Moslems of Crimea are reliable partners of authorities and local government in business of consolidation of a society and its protection against extreme measures and extremism. Islam always was and remains religion of favor for the whole world, after all any of prophets or sacred didn’t call for violence and cruelty, and prophet Muhammad, peace to Him, learned us to follow true and to adhere to golden mean. I am convinced that in distribution of the extremist ideology masking under Islam, there is a big danger not only to the Crimean Tatars, but also to all Moslems of Crimea and Ukraine, to all multinational Ukrainian people and the state. To resist to those who deforms the doctrine of prophet Muhammad, peace to Him, we can only on the basis of profound knowledge of Islam and our unity on a justice and good way! »- has declared Hadzhi Ridvan Veliev.

Hadzhi Ridvan Veliev has informed that the Spiritual center of Moslems of Crimea is independent religious association of Muslim communities which doesn’t enter structurally into Spiritual steering of Moslems of Ukraine led by sheikh Ahmad Tamim and doesn’t submit to it.

«I know for a long time already and I respect sheikh Ahmad Tamim as very wise person with two higher educations — spiritual and secular. He — my teacher. I was trained at university of Spiritual steering of Moslems of Ukraine in Kiev», — head of SMMC told.

Ridvan Veliev also has informed that now in the Spiritual center of Moslems of Crimea the question on building in Simferopol the Cathedral mosque for the given religious association isn’t considered.

«Us only recently have registered also to us while early in it to be engaged», — he has explained.

Let’s remind, in Spiritual steering of Moslems of Crimea were indignant with that the State committee of Ukraine on affairs of nationalities and religions a day before the liquidation has registered the Spiritual center of Moslems of Crimea, consisting, according to management of SMMC, from communities of hsbsshist Muslim sect.



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