The Ukrainian Authorities Sabotage the Decision of a Question With a Muslim Cemetery of Ak-Tash

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The Ukrainian Authorities Sabotage the Decision of a Question With a Muslim Cemetery of Ak-Tash

Public authorities of Lenin area of Crimea sabotage the decision of a question with a Muslim cemetery of Ak-Tash which is a historical heritage of the Crimean Tatar people. The imam of public organisation «Аvdet», the informal leader has told about it to the correspondent of news agency QHA of «protest glades» the Crimean Tatars Danijal Ametov.

«The authorities in the decision of a problem of a cemetery of Ak-Tash should be guided by laws of Ukraine« About cultural heritage protection «,» About protection of an archaeological heritage «and» About funeral and funeral business », but they ignore them, and this point in question sabotage», — Ametov has underlined.

As he said, in spite of the fact that the special commission on the decision of this point in question is created, real work in practice on carrying out of certain research works is not present.

For anybody not a secret that on that place where the earth under building of summer residences is allocated, the Muslim cemetery earlier settled down. «Therefore, the authorities, according to the legislation, should inform in corresponding bodies and to conduct researches», — the imam of a community of «Avdet» has noted.

Аmetov has noticed that the cultural and historical heritage of Crimea is an integral part of a cultural heritage of Ukraine, and a heritage of Ukraine — a part of a heritage of Europe. «We observe today that local authorities of Edi-Kuju (Lenin area) break the legislation of Ukraine and the international norms», — he speaks.

The imam is convinced that the given territory is a historical value as «there are occupation layers and on a cemetery the altar settled down. It speaks about an antiquity of our cemetery and an origin of our people. Our people have come to Crimea not at 13-14 centuries, and it from time immemorial here veins».

In this connection, inhabitants of district villages plan to fence territory of a Muslim cemetery of Ak-Tash, which area about 4 hectares, and to restore there a mosque.

Chairman of «Avdet» Mustafa Maushev has told that they addressed for the help in the decision of this problem to a management of Milli Medzhlis. «However while no answer is present», — Maushev has underlined and has added that intends to visit Medzhlis after New Year’s holidays.

Representatives of organisation «Аvdet» have informed that if the authorities do not undertake certain measures concerning a cemetery of Ak-Tash, various actions on attraction of attention of the public, including the world will be carried out.

Also, «Avdet» plans for May, 10.00 16th, 2010 to hold a meeting of fellows villager, natives of villages Ak-Tash, Kiten (semenovka), Kazantip and others near settlements.

Organizers invite all those who though is somehow connected with these earths. They invite to a meeting and representatives of Crimean tatar diasporas of Turkey, Romania, the USA and other countries.

As informed QHA earlier, three years ago district state administration Edi-Kuju has started to give out the ground areas to Kiev and Moscow «money-bags» under country building on the earths where the Muslim cemetery and a mosque which in 1970th years of the last century has been disassembled to the basis earlier settled down, and its bricks have been used as building materials at building of barracks and fences in Azov.

«As civil work in have started to be spent in v.Kiten, on a surface human remains have started to leave. According to old residents, there is no time on this place the Muslim cemetery last burial place on which has been carried out in 1944 settled down.

However neither builders, nor local authorities, according to the representative, have not reacted in any way to «find», and bones and continued to lie open-air. And only thanks to inhabitants of village Kiten local Medzhlis has been informed on «find». And on July, 29th current year regional mullah Rasim Emurla and his assistant have left into place and have collected remains of compatriots.

«Despite numerous references local Medzhlis the regional state administration still continues to allocate the earths around a cemetery. This question does not wait for delay, after all the question of a religious heritage of the Crimean Tatars» is dealt with, — members Lenin local Medzhlis have declared.

Aider Adjimambetov


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