The United Nations: the World Is Threatened with Food Crisis

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The United Nations: the World Is Threatened with Food Crisis

The economic is threatened with a price shock on a foodstuff which then can lead to food crisis. About it writes The Financial Times referring to the Food and agricultural organisation (FAO) at the United Nations.

The organisation has made such statement after the index of agricultural goods FAO has grown in December to a nominal record, having exceeded level of 2007-2008 when in the world food crisis has been fixed: then hungry revolts have passed in 30 poor countries.

According to the senior economist FAO in Rome Abdolrez Abbassjan, silly to assume that the prices will not grow.

Besides, he has underlined that in many developing countries, including China and India, inflation already became one of the main economic and political problems. A potential problem the rise in prices is and in the developed countries, for example, in Great Britain and the Eurozone.

Meanwhile, in FAO underline that the index of the agricultural goods grows basically at the expense of corn, sugar, oil and meat. For the poorest countries these goods are less important, than rice which since 2008 has fallen in price almost twice — to $535 for ton.

FAO has declared that the prices for the foodstuffs in the world in December, 2010 have reached record marks.

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