About Results of National Meeting

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About Results of National Meeting

The Crimean Tatars Declared Chubarov and Dzhemilev Traitors of the People

It is nation proper response

Rustem Beljalov (member of human rights organisation «Arkadash»)

The system of national self-management including institutes Kurultaj, Medzhlis and again generated World Congress of the Crimean Tatars, expresses mainly administrative and managerial functions and not to the full considers a feedback of the people and national board system. The omissions which are one of the reasons of divergences of national expectations and actual results of administrative activity of structure Kurultaj-Medzhlis are specified.

The national meeting urged to compensate absence of a due feedback and to influence formation and mechanisms of realisation of the purposes and problems a method of revival of the wide internal initiative of the Crimean Tatar people. The national meeting is a proper response of the nation to a negative position of the Ukrainian management concerning a recognition and restoration of its birth rights on the historical native land in Crimea.

The national meeting is the most effective democratic form of studying, the analysis and formation of public opinion on set of the national purposes, problems, the interests forming a basis, the maintenance of activity of other national structures and public organisations.




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