Began For Health, Has Finished For the Peace Of

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Began For Health, Has Finished For the Peace Of

In the newspaper «Voice of Crimea» №8 from February, 19th in a heading «Point of view» article of Enver Abibulla «Tsekov — history of one offer» in which it is a question of the recent statement of the chairman of Russian community of Crimea (FATE) has been printed.

Sergey Tsekov has declared necessity of association of Crimean Tatars and Russian political forces for the sake of the future Crimea. How is told in the article: «For all time, since the moment of mass returning of the Crimean Tatar people on the Native land, the similar statement from outside Tsekov has sounded for the first time». All these years Tsekov had a reputation of tatarfob, therefore it is surprising that only in 20 years the thought has come to S.Tsekov’s head that for the sake of the future of Crimea, Crimean Tatar and Russian political forces should come to the consent and «not clash»!

Long-term meditations as he declares, «have led to its conclusion — or we will find common language on any questions, or we« will butt »with each other, and it will use foes of ARC». It is not known only whom Tsekov means under a word «foes».

Whom does he mean, Ukrainians or representatives of other nationalities living in Crimea, or the political opponents?

The Crimean Tatars from time immemorial lived in friendship and the consent with all people of Crimea. Before eviction of the Crimean Tatars, all of them found common language, knew customs and traditions of the Crimean Tatars, knew national songs, in common worked for the sake of the blessing and prosperity of Crimea. All lived as a unique family.

Now in Crimea there was a set of parties, public organisations, the unions which together and separately for some reason try to discredit, stipulate the Crimean Tatar people who are not rehabilitated till now and is not restored in the rights. It would be time to understand for a long time that the world and prosperity on peninsula will come only when to the Crimean Tatar people will return their reputation, will restore all their rights when they will be equal with all people of Crimea.

It is possible to agree with Sergey Pavlovich that in Crimea association of all forces, but not against someone, and for the sake of prosperity of Crimea for, if to search for enemies the world never cannot be reached is necessary.

In my opinion, S.Tsekov has made the statement «not for the sake of prosperity and friendship» and to salt to «the enemies» that he actually and has achieved. L.Grach has instantly reacted, having called S.Tsekov «neo-fascist», and has urged «to reject pressure of vandals from FATE» for their offer to clean a monument to Lenin on suburb of Simferopol and to rename Lenin’s area into the Republic area.

Double standards and insincerity of mister Tsekov have revealed literally in some days. It, being in America and answering a question of the representative of Crimean Tatar diasporas of Ajly Bakkaly, has declared that «it is not necessary to come back all time to 1944… The Crimean Tatars are completely restored in all civil rights, a standard of living on some indicators above, than at the slavic population, therefore the Crimean Tatars do not need to represent any privileges, and that all Crimean Tatars have already returned from deportation places».

How is told, «the beginnings for health, and has finished for the peace of». Believe after that in his «good intentions»!

Dilshad Iljas



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