The Circulation to the Crimean Tatar People in Connection with Forthcoming Presidential Election

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The Circulation to the Crimean Tatar People in Connection with Forthcoming Presidential Election

In the beginning of December, 2009 leaders «kurultaj-medzhlis» have conducted regular session of Kurultaj for realisation of plans for forthcoming presidential election of 2010. In connection with a new deal on a political Olympus, to leaders of Kurultaj once again had to change «eternal friends» and in the issue to give the preferences to political force yet so long ago considered as them «hostile» to interests of the Crimean Tatars — BYT and to its leader J.Timoshenko.

The Crimean Tatars remember, how many was promises in case of V.Jushchenko’s election as the President of Ukraine, and also in case of a victory of «Our Ukraine». Crimea Tatars voters today, after five years, see, how their voices, by the gross, given for the decision interests of leaders Medzhlis have been used. Any crucial issue the Crimea Tatar people and has not been decided, and people position has considerably worsened. The Crimean Tatars, having believed «Midzhlis — Kurultaj» have lost the next five years.

The new offer to the Crimean Tatars to give J.Timoshenko’s affirmative votes, are connected with the same interests Medzhlis: to receive for itself, now through BYT, one-two places in parliament of Ukraine, Supreme Rada ARC, in the government of Crimea and on places.

That has made BYT and the active prime minister of Ukraine J.Timoshenko for the Crimean Tatars in the last two days:

— Has submitted to the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, analogues not having still on the Antitatar orientation, the administration bill about «restoration of laws of persons deported on a national sign»;

— Fraction BJUT has supported the law on strengthening of the criminal liability for the self-grab of the earth directly directed against tens thousand of landless Crimean Tatars;

— Per 2008-2009 the measures interfering returning from places of deportation of the Crimean Tatars, in particular from Uzbekistan are taken;

— Summer 2009 Crimean Tatar picket before the Office the Minister of Ukraine on itself has felt special love and predisposition to decide Crimean Tatar problems from outside J.Timoshenko when tents of starving picketers neither it, nor its ministers have not deigned to visit, and, on the contrary, by request of the government smashed tent small town.

— Unprecedented process of persecution on believing Moslems and Muslim communities under a far-fetched pretext of struggle against terrorism and prevention of «attempt» at the eternal leader of Medzhlis has begun.

Dear compatriots, coreligionists!

The Coordination council presidium, urges all Crimean Tatars to refuse to hand over by the gross the affirmative votes of the candidate offered «Medzhlis — Kyryltaj», and to make a responsible and correct choice, with allowance for our national interests.

Presidium of Coordination council of political forces the Crimea Tatar people

Simferopol, on January, 4th, 2010


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