Why Doesn’t the Agrarian Question Solve in Crimea???

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Why Doesn’t the Agrarian Question Solve in Crimea???

Because it is elections soon!

And again the worthless politicians, not capable to lead Peninsula by the way of economic progress, wish to involve votes, is artificial creating international pressure. They simply are not capable of another. Crimean Tatar «threat» — long-term political Egyptian vultures in Crimea. Thanks to this myth it is very easy to manipulate emotions of behaviour of Russian electorate.

The technology weights is perfected and effective. Perfectly understanding that for coming back from places of deportation of the Crimean Tatars most sharply there is a habitation question, the local authorities in a mass order refuse to them earth reception. The ground conflict to participation of the Crimean Tatars is in due time provoked, the press forces a hysteria around ostensibly «insatiability» of the repatriates, the necessary official openly states the anti-Tatar slogans — and, please, on current elections the politician-tatarofob receives desired dividends in the form of voices of the Russian population intimidated by the same politician. Very conveniently. It is not necessary to lift economy, it is not necessary to build hospitals and schools, it is not necessary to repair roads and communications, it is not necessary to justify about the plundered budget — for a victory simply enough to point a finger at an image of the enemy. And the enemy here it, nearby — yours the neighbour, the Crimean Tatar.

All loud events in Crimea — Partenit, Ah-petri, street Balaklavsky in Simferopol, bloody collisions in Bakhchisarai, etc., and also before a building of the Cabinet and Presidential Administration within last three years also pass mass actions of the Crimean Tatars in Kiev only under one slogan — the decision of an agrarian question for repatriates.

And again instead of real decisions on earth allocation the next commission is created. Than this commission will be engaged? Files are already defined. The technology of transfer to builders is developed still two years ago. Will check Again our right to the earth — we are not afraid of it.

Let those who has grabbed in hectares are afraid. To fix building degree — nonsense, tomorrow will be more structures. The most require were not constructed. This plot of land at them last hope. Also there will be they to death.

The Earth in Crimea is. For pressure removal for today it is necessary 2,5 thousand hectares is 0,096 territories of Peninsula.

Do not take for a ride to the People of «Lord» officials. All know for a long time that the commissions are created only for a tightening of the decision of a question.

Crimean people! Those who cannot solve a problem of the economic and social plan who is not capable to lead our Crimea to prosperity, again are going to pull out a map of international oppositions.

Compatriots! Let’s unite and it is not admissible to the power of ethnic and political oppositions.


The leaflet with such maintenance is distributed today on the Central square of capital of an autonomy among the participants of termless protest action representing interests of inhabitants of Crimea, requiring the ground areas for habitation building.

МF- inform


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