Sevastopol Has Refused to Transfer Toponymics to the Ukrainian Language

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Sevastopol Has Refused to Transfer Toponymics to the Ukrainian Language

The Sevastopol City Council has approved the temporary list of a writing of names of objects of toponymics of Sevastopol in the Ukrainian language. The commission on toponymics of management of town-planning and architecture of the urban state administration has offered deputies a list variant in which transfer, and a transliteration of toponyms is not used.

«It is impossible in our city with our traditions to transfer toponymics, to get Lantsjugovyj lane instead of Chain and street Pivdennomisku instead of South urban», — Victoria Kradysheva has told the secretary of the commission.

Thus, words appear in the Ukrainian list of the Sevastopol streets, the areas and lanes «Oktyaborska», «Noyaborska», «martovska», «mayska», «red», «northern», «sovetska», «orehova» which in other cities of Ukraine are transferred. In opinion of Kradysheva, such variant of a writing of toponymics will allow to identify people with Russian residence permit in the passport.

The unique Ukrainian word which deputies have found out in the list is is «great» instead of «big».

News agency «New Region — Sevastopol»


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