The Popular Front conducted summit meetings

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The Popular Front conducted summit meetings

From 17 to 20 April 2012, the delegation of the Crimean Tatar People’s Front (CTPF) worked in Kyiv, where it conducted a number of meetings with representatives of the highest bodies of government of Ukraine.


Crimean Tatar People's Front (CTPF)The Popular Front in Kyiv was represented by:


Enver Ametov — a representative of the Permanent Active Assembly of veterans of the National movement of Crimean Tatars,

Vasvi Abduraimov — a chairman of Kenesh (Council) Milli Firka, deputy head of the Council of Representatives of the Crimean Tatar People attached to the President of Ukraine,

Rustem Khalilov — a chairman of the Charitable fund «Vatandash-Compatriot»,

Ayder Mustafayev — a vice-president of the International Foundation on research and support for indigenous peoples of Crimea,

Rinat Shaymardanov — a member of the Executive Committee of CTPF


In Ombudsman’s office


First meeting of the delegation of CTPF took place in office of the Plenipotentiary on human rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 17th April 2012. At this meeting the delegates of CTPF discussed a number of the most important questions concerning legislative restoration of rights and rehabilitation of the Crimean Tatar people in Ukraine.


In particular, were discussed the nuances of the draft by M. Dzhemilev «On restoration of the rights of persons, who were deported by national sign», which was submitted for consideration by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The basic regulations of the draft not only don’t solve, but on the contrary, aggravate the present problems of rehabilitation of Crimean Tatars as people.


During meeting between parties a full mutual understanding on necessity of the full-scale rehabilitation and official appointment of legal status of the Crimean Tatar people in Ukraine was achieved.


In ministries and departments of the Cabinet of ministries of Ukraine


18-19 April 2012, a delegation of CTPF conducted next meetings in two ministries, in competence of which today there are national questions — Ministry of culture and Ministry of work and social policy of Ukraine.


In both ministries, they listened friendly and with interest the proposals of veterans of National movement and CTPF on adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On restoration of rights and rehabilitation of the repressed Crimean Tatar people» up to 18th May 2012, including the proposals on further ways of development of the Crimean Tatar people and its effective integration into state building of Ukraine.


During talks from the hand of both ministries was expressed a support to initiatives of veterans and Popular Front. Besides, the representatives of Popular Front familiarized with plans of activity of the profile departments of ministries towards Crimean Tatars.


During discussion the parties came to mutual opinion that one of the main obstacles, which impede a solution of the Crimean Tatar question, is a lack of central body, which would be responsible for questions connected with solution of national questions. Today, when the responsibility for national question is divided between three subjects of the executive power — Ministry of culture, Ministry of social policy and Ministry of justice — it is practically impossible to expect a quick and timely solution of national problems.

In connection with abovementioned, the parties came to agreed opinion on necessity to initiate before the government of Ukraine the question on establishment of the separate structural department of state government, which is to be occupied with national problems in full volume on a scale of Ukrainian state and be responsible for it.


At the same time, the representatives of ministries stressed that the Crimean Tatar community itself is to defend interests of Crimean Tatars. The heads of profile departments of both ministries stressed that many questions of Crimean Tatars were not solved up to now because of a lack of the initiatives «from the bottom» that is from Crimean Tatars. These initiatives could be taken up and be developed by the appropriate departments of ministries, but, unfortunately, the present representatives of Crimean Tatars in bodies of government don’t raise any questions in these ministries.


In conclusion, and delegates of CTPF and representatives of executive power expressed a mutual satisfaction by conducted talks and confirmed a mutual interest in strengthening and development of the cooperation between Crimean Tatar community and appropriate departments of ministries.


In Council on national security and defence


18th April 2012 the delegation of CTPF was received by the Council on national security and defence of Ukraine.


During meeting the representatives of Popular Front paid a special attention of the Council on national security and defence of Ukraine (CNSDU) on critical situation in Crimea, connected with lack of legislatively fixed status of the Crimean Tatar people. In connection of a lack of the law on rehabilitation of Crimean Tatars, is opened a wide field for political speculations and different provocations, which constantly take place in Crimea during 20 years of independence of Ukraine.


Also, the Council on national security and defence of Ukraine paid attention on vicious practice of state Mass Media for propaganda by the leadership of Mejlis its «initiatives» which result to the destabilization of situation in Crimean community.


The leadership of the Council on national security and defence of Ukraine was warned about possible mass conflicts at the Extraordinary national meeting of Crimean Tatars 18th May 2012, and about their preparation constantly states by head of Mejlis M. Dzhemilev and his closest surroundings.


With aim of the maintenance of public security and prevention of mass conflicts, the Popular Front proposed for consideration by the Council on national security and defence of Ukraine, the variant for conducting of measures, which exclude an opportunity of Dzhemilev’s provocations 18th May 2012.


In Administration of the President of Ukraine


19th April 2012 took place a meeting of the delegation of CTPF with leadership of the Main department of Administration of the President of Ukraine on regional policy and personnel questions.


At this meeting were discussed the questions:


— on adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On restoration of rights and rehabilitation of the repressed Crimean Tatar people» up to 18th May 2012;


— on safe and non-conflicted conducting of the Extraordinary national meeting of the Crimean Tatar people 18th May 2012;

— to initiative the activity of the Council of representatives of the Crimean Tatar people attached to the President of Ukraine, as single today legal representation of the Crimean Tatar people at high level of power.


The parties came to mutual understanding about all discussed questions, which was expressed in mutual agreement on necessity of the legislative regulation of the Crimean Tatar question, including a legalization of the Crimean Tatar representation in the highest bodies of the government of Ukraine.


Meeting in the Administration of the President of Ukraine gave a quick and positive result. During a half an hour after ending of meeting, the Permanent representation of the President of Ukraine in Crimea called to Executive committee of CTPF with proposal to conduct a work meeting for discussion of ways for realization of the questions were raised in Administration of the President of Ukraine.


In Embassies


During stay in Kyiv, the delegation of CTPF made a work with embassies of foreign states.


We remind that 5th October 2011 in Kyiv’s hotel Hayat took place the international meeting, on which 17 present states expressed support for conducting of the International Forum on Crimean Tatar question.


In embassies of all 17 states, which took place in this meeting, the delegation of Popular Front delivered and officially gave the Appeals of the Executive committee of CTPF to heads of states and governments — participants of the meeting in hotel, and namely to:

1. The United Kingdom of the Great Britain and North Ireland
2. The Kingdom of Denmark
3. Republic of Latvia
4. Federal Republic of Germany
5. The Kingdom of Norway
6. Republic of Poland
7. Palestine
8. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
9. Republic of Slovakia
10. Republic of Slovenia
11. USA
12. Turkey
13. Finland
14. France
15. Czech Republic
16. The Kingdom of Sweden
17. Japan


The Executive committee of CTPF in appeal welcomed a position of given states towards Crimean Tatar question and called the governments of these states (for continuation of the process, which was started 5th October 2011 in hotel Hayat) to apply to the authority of Ukraine with official letter in support of the initiatives of CTPF directed on legislative regulation of the Crimean Tatar question in Ukraine.


«The support of Your state in noble affair of restoration of the rights of Crimean Tatars will be appreciated at its true value by Crimean Tatar people and international community» — was said in final part of the Appeal of CTPF to heads of states and governments.


In offices of parties

20th April 2012, after ending of the program of meetings with the highest bodies of state authority of Ukraine, a delegation of CTPF visited central offices of 4 Ukrainian parties, which stated about participation in parliamentary elections in October 2012 — Party of regions, «Batkivschina», «Front zmin» and «UDAR» by Vitaliy Klitschko.


The leadership and executive committees were warned about negative reaction of Crimean Tatars and the most part of the population of Crimea, in case of inclusion of the candidatures of M. Dzhemilev and R. Chubarov in party lists.


Also, the central offices were warned about measures, which will be taken by the veterans of National movement and Crimean Tatar Popular Front in relation to that party, which will ignore the abovementioned warning — from organization of mass propaganda to large-scale protest meetings against given party in cities and regional centers of Crimea.


In the evening of 20th April 2012, the delegation of CTPF fully carried out a program of the meetings in capital of Ukraine, left for Simferopol.




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