The Terrorism from Outside the Crimean Tatars Is Impossible

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The Terrorism from Outside the Crimean Tatars Is Impossible

Terrorist actions from outside the Crimean Tatars are impossible. It on April, 30th during press conference in «Observer» (Kiev) was declared by the president of the Center of Near-Eastern researches Alexander Bogomolov.

According to the expert, in a context of terrorism of mass-media recollect about «Moslems and the Crimean Tatars», instead of other members of the Crimean population more often. Bogomolov has explained that such «connection» arises spontaneously: «As we are carriers of Christian or Postchristian culture».

The expert recognised that threat in Crimea after prolongation of term of stay in this territory of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation has increased. But threat, as he said, can go from two parties.

According to the director of the Center of Near-Eastern researches Igor Semivolos, it is to the Crimean Tatars the Russian colonialism threatens. According to the expert, throughout all period of stay of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in Crimea on peninsula «at the enterprises and in the editions belonging BSF the Russian Federation», the information of the Antitatar, racist character extends. In them the emphasis on necessity «the rigid relation to the Crimean Tatars» becomes, — has told Semivolos. As an example he has noted the newspaper «Rusichi».

Semivolos is convinced that the Crimean Tatars «feel constant threat from outside the Russian colonialism». «In 1944 the Kremlin mode has put the Crimean Tatar people on a survival side», — he has added.

Semivolos is assured that fears of the head of Medzhlis Mustafa Dzhemilev concerning stay in Sevastopol of Russian military base completely motivated. The expert predicts that «the situation in this connection on the Crimean peninsula will become aggravated».


On materials: news agency QHA


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