Heads of Medzhlis, having ignored meeting with participation of the President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych, have made a mistake. It was declared by the Constant Representative of the President of Ukraine in АRC Sergey Kunitsyn at a briefing in Simferopol on August, 11th.
«Personally I regret that Dzhemilev and Chubarov has not come. In my opinion, at all contradictions, I think that all the same they have made a certain mistake», — Sergey Kunitsyn has told. Also has added that absence of Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov has given the chance to the oppositional Crimean Tatar organisations to «drive» on Medzhlis «with all proletarian hatred».
Sergey Kunitsyn also has informed that Mustafa Dzhemilev is going to write the letter to Victor Yanukovych with the request to hold a meeting of Council of representatives of the Crimean Tatar people at the President of Ukraine.
Let’s remind, on August, 3rd in Simferopol the President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych has held meeting on strategic development АRC, and also a meeting with representatives of the Crimean Tatars. Thus heads of Medzhlis have refused to take part in actions.
The president of the country and a management of Crimea have scarified a demarche of representatives of Medzhlis. Thus in Medzhlis have expressed a regret that the meeting has not taken place in a format comprehensible to them.