There Are No Disagreements Between Orthodox and Moslems

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There Are No Disagreements Between Orthodox and Moslems

Metropolitan Lazar has explained, why in Crimea it is not necessary to establish autocratically worship crosses

In Crimea there are no disagreements between Orthodox and Muslims, however there are always some hotheads who strive to destroy peaceful co-existence of faiths on peninsula. About it, making comments on the recent conflict in village Vilino near Bakhchisarai round installation of a worship cross, the metropolitan of Simferopol and Crimean Lazar has declared.

«On installation of a worship cross there should be a blessing of the ruling bishop, — he has reminded in interview to the newspaper« Crimean time ». — But nobody addressed to me for blessing. The diocese has certain arrangements with Spiritual management of Moslems of Crimea, therefore spontaneous actions in such questions should not be. Only in this case we can solve arising problems easy, without forcing of passions and unnecessary opposition. So finally the question also has been solved with cross installation in Vilino. On April, 28th, on a holiday of Prepolovenija of Easter, the worship cross has been established at road near to a new under construction temple and consecrated. The rank of consecration of a cross was headed decent the Bakhchsarai church district by archpriest Peter Tchaikovsky in service of ten priests. In my opinion, disagreements between orthodox and Muslim communities of Crimea are not present».

«The religion can separate people, only if they are far from God», — metropolitan Lazar has underlined.


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