Мedzhlis Members and «Cabbage»

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Мedzhlis Members and «Cabbage»

After elections of Milli Firka will call meeting of deputies of all levels

The leader of organization Milli Firka Vasvi Abduraimov has informed that after elections on October, 31st, Milli Firka initiates to call new meeting and to incur powers of a representative body of the Crimean Tatars. He has declared it to the correspondent of news agency «Political archives».

As he said Milli Firka «plans to generate representation of the Crimean Tatars of a new format not outside of a legal field, and in the structure of the representative power. Namely, on the basis of meeting of deputies of all levels».

«The meeting of deputies of regional level becomes a regional representative body, and meeting of deputies of all levels — the present representation. Total power of such meeting, will allow without serious consequences in constructive cooperation with the power to resolve many questions», — chairman of Kenesh Milli Firka is assured.

«And now that turns out, — Abduraimov speaks, — if the person needs to solve any problem, he addresses in the legally insolvent representative body which in turn goes to the lawful executive or representative power, and tries to lobby this or that question there. And there, where there is an intermediary, is, as is got, and cost overestimate« the goods »for service of the intermediary».

«We suggest to clean intermediary structure and to enter a representative body in the existing power, it is one of making parts of our program. It will be quite lawful and legitimate, to anybody we won’t allow to name a representative body« odious persons »as some provokers who should answer for it then under the law», — leader of Milli Firka explains.

Let’s notice that representatives of this meeting can become all deputies whom the Crimean Tatars — strategy of 21 centuries »support the program of Milli Firka«, isn’t dependent on a national identity.

«There are problems of the people who are necessary for solving, as restoration of the collective rights, so the individual rights, years not solved and unresolved. Therefore all deputies of any level who perceive, support our program will put into practice this program», — Vasvi Ennanovich has underlined .

Thus, Milli Firka intends to use the best efforts and use all possibilities to enter such representative body in a legal field that till now, according to its leader, was made by representatives of Milli Medzhlis.

As informed earlier «Political archives», Milli Firka goes on elections together with the Ukrainian Village Democratic party.

On August, 10th in Simferopol, at the central office Milli Firka negotiations have taken place and the Agreement «About partnership and joint participation in local elections between UVDP and Milli Firka» is signed.

UVDP and Milli Firka have agreed in common to participate in elections on October, 31st, 2010 in councils of all levels. From its part Milli Firka recognizes that «more than 80 % of the Crimean Tatars are inhabitants of villages and the suburbs surviving today thanks to the wet nurse-earth. Therefore it is quite logical that the political forces putting a problem of revival of the Crimean Tatar people, protection of its legitimate interests and requirements, should think of those who is left today to the mercy of fate, on a survival in the conditions of absence at peasants of elementary conditions, worthy human life» first of all.

«Other strategic factor which has defined a choice, — a problem of a preservation of peace, stability and calmness on the Crimean earth that can’t achieve without mutually advantageous cooperation in all spheres including to the politician, Crimean Tatar and the slavic population of peninsula», — consider in the organization.

UVDP and Milli Firka from beautiful words about friendship between the people pass to business: «we intend to protect together at all levels interests of Crimea and its inhabitants irrespective of their racial, national and religious accessory».

The slogan: «is closer to people, is closer to the earth, is closer to the Native land!».

On materials: arhivi.info


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