Her Hand the Angel Drove

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Her Hand the Angel Drove

Zarema! Let to Genuflect Submissively to Your Creativity

I have been included in structure of the commission on celebration of memory of Rollan Kadyev and there was a question on a writing of his portrait. Someone offered to address to H.Memedljaev.

But I have interfered, considering that though he is a good expert in the craft, but does not know Rollan. Rollan was not only the fighter, but also the physicist, the poet, the bard, — the artist knowing it, and, the main thing, possessing corresponding sincere responsiveness is necessary. And I have offered Zarema Trasinova. Everybody have supported me. At a meeting on April, 11th, 2007, in day of memory of Rollan, all were amazed with created his magnificent portrait. The image of the people thoughtful, deeply worrying and feeling pity for destiny, the ardent, staunch fighter and the scientist is absolutely precisely transferred.

When I have decided to celebrate day of memory of my mum — singers Zejnep Ljumanova, I wished to address again to Zarema, but she has outstripped me. Knowing my mum since the childhood and about coming nearer anniversary, has called me and has asked some photos, having asked thus as I am going to celebrate significant date and has given corresponding advice.

I, of course, know Zarema for a long time, she is three times removed sister to me, relatives concern usually without a special piety. Knowing her works, admiring her talent, perceived it by a youth, as due. With the years in me the emotionality, bent for to art has amplified. I cannot listen without tears to mastery of musicians any more and singers, I be touched skill of artists, poets, dancers, especially young talents.

The portrait of my mum written by Zarema, now is in a museum of «Bakhchsarai palace»,by the way, my son works there and inspectors say that many visitors long are late before a portrait, ask on the artist who has written it.

And here on November, 26th I was on celebration of day of memory of our remarkable person of the fighter and the Teacher, our sacred Dzheppar Akimov.

Sitting in the end of a hall, saw the portrait unfamiliar to me seeming by from apart increased photo. And here in the end of evening to me have unexpectedly asked to speak.

Having stepped on the stage, having come nearer to a portrait, I have learnt at once a hand of Zarema. Has peered, and I was amazed with depth of penetration into an image of the Teacher — «ODJA» — Dzheppar Akimovich.

I even have forgotten, what for I have stepped on the stage. I did not see people in a hall. But only this image faced to eyes, besides changing for some reason colouring, flashing those colours with which has allocated him Zarema. I at all do not remember, about what I spoke and have what is the time taken away from a hall, my consciousness has been so strongly amazed. All that evening I reconsidered copies of products of Zarema Trasinova available for me, and have made for myself extreme opening.

In what force of influence of this artist? — Not a plot, and style and a letter manner, penetration into the maintenance and empathy, and also a sincere spirit in a unison with object of knowledge and reflexion. Having peered into a drawing of Zarema, I have seen stroke poetry according to a plot, alternation of «public» strokes, change of the size depending on a plot. In front of me use of the poetic receptions displaying the form of a plot, creating a certain spirit has revealed. The impression was made that, working, creating, she recites verses. And as the colours, what scale precisely reflecting an essence of a sculpture are picked up! Here he is a fighter, the physicist with tragical destiny in minor tones — Rollan Kadyev. Mum Zejnep Ljumanova in blossoming of its creativity in Crimea is sounded in a major tonality. It is said that the blind hear colours, and Zarema sounds colours the products, apparently, that, drawing, sings.

Having created a portrait of Dzheppar Akimov, she has created to a hymn to him, and glory. I think, this higher achievement created under divine music of Beethoven. Convinced tha the angel drove her hand and helped with selection and creation of a palette, it is impossible to create.

Each Zarema’s product has the special background, the corps de ballet of the modern faceless soloists executing senseless texts of songs is a dance of lines «Kajtarma» equal and smooth faltering and violent which strengthens and the basic plot or a portrait resounds, creating colour, supplementing the internal sincere maintenance.

Ruslan Eminov, Sevastopol

«Peninsula» № 50 (354), on December, 11-17th 2009


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