Dolls and Puppeteers

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Dolls and Puppeteers

Ukraine have been let know, who steers Medzhlis

According to a member of presidium of Coordination council of political forces of the Crimean Tatar people Nariman Ibadullaev, promotion of Mustafa Dzhemilev on reception of the Nobel Prize of the world has political implied sense and urged to rescue steadily falling authority of the leader of Medzhlis in the opinion of the Crimean Tatars. «I consider that it is simply next performance of those puppeteers, both in Ukraine, and behind its limits which Dzhemilev supervise and direct its actions. For a long time it is known, in whose hands there is a committee on promotion, and that promotion is always politically motivated. Therefore to tell about a true recognition of Dzhemilev as the figure who has achieved any outstanding results, here it is not necessary», — he noticed.

According to Nariman Ibadullaev, actually the initiative on promotion of Mustafa Dzhemilev has under itself no real hope of reception by the leader of Medzhlis of the Nobel Prize of the world, but thus pursues a number of political ends. «This initiative has for an object to encourage his activity which noticed by such causing Antiislamic character — we will remember statements of Medzhlis sounded by it in support of aggression of the USA and armies of a coalition against Iraq, and then and Afghanistan. Also it is possible to note and his reference to a management of Ukraine with the request to pass the laws directed against those Muslim organizations which don’t wish to enter into a field of activity of Spiritual steering of Moslems of Crimea which is steered division of Medzhlis, including a pocket mufti», — the public man has told.

Besides, he has noticed that promotion of Mustafa Dzhemilev on a world Nobel Prize urged to rescue his falling authority, and also has the purpose to warn any possible sharp actions of the Ukrainian authorities concerning Medzhlis.

«The deepest falling of a rating of mister Dzhemilev, loss of his real steering of the Crimean Tatars, their moods also have induced his sponsors, his curators on that such action to try to hoist his authority and to let know to a management of Ukraine that it didn’t interfere in a zone of interests of these forces as the president of Ukraine with formation of Council of representatives and actual destruction of Medzhlis-Kurultay has tried to make it. I consider that this most have let know to a management of Ukraine, what forces stand up for Medzhlis and what role to it is intended to execute in Ukraine and in Crimea», — has declared Nariman Ibadullaev, thus having underlined that the given purposes aren’t connected in any way with the decision of problems оf the Crimean Tatar people, and opposite, bear threat to the existence of the Crimean Tatars, as ethnos.


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